History of GBC |
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History of the Ghana Baptist Convention

The Ghana Baptist Convention, which started as a mustard seed is growing into one of the largest denominations in Ghana, with over 2500 churches in Ghana and diaspora. The Convention’s early beginnings are associated with the Nigeria Baptist Convention. Nigeria Baptist brethren who came to Ghana (formerly known as Gold Coast) to trade started the First Baptist Church in Kumasi in 1927. Other Baptist churches were established by these traders in Cape Coast, Sekondi, Suhum, Asamankese, Akwatia, Sefwi-Bekwai, Techiman, and other locations. 

They were constituted as the Yoruba Baptist Association in 1935, which made an appeal to both the Nigeria Baptist Convention and the Nigeria Baptist Mission (The Mission was made up of only Southern Baptist Convention missionaries working in Nigeria) to send some missionaries to start Baptist churches among the Ghanaians. This was because the Yoruba Baptist churches were failing to attract Ghanaians into their fold, since Yoruba language was used in all their worship services. 

The Nigeria Baptist Mission in response to the request made by the Yoruba Baptist Association sent Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Littleton to Ghana in 1947 to start Baptist Churches among the indigenous people. The Yoruba Baptist Association was renamed Gold Coast Baptist Conference in the same year (1947) to enable the emerging Ghanaian Baptist Churches to be part of the Conference.  Their effort resulted in the establishment of the first indigenous Baptist Church in 1952 at Boamang in the Ashanti Region. 

In 1957 when Ghana gained her independence from Britain, the Conference was renamed Ghana Baptist Conference. All this time, the Conference was under the Nigeria Baptist Convention. In 1963 the Nigeria Baptist Convention granted the Ghana Baptist Conference autonomy.  

The Conference was renamed Ghana Baptist Convention in January, 1964. The Convention worked in partnership with the International Missions Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention, U.S.A. until the IMB changed her mission strategy to pursue the people group concept. Thus, the IMB’s support to the Convention in terms of personnel and finance tapered from the year 2000 to 2009, when it came to an end.

The Ghana Baptist Mission established the Baptist Medical Centre in Nalerigu in the Northern Region, the Pastors Training School (now Northern Ghana Baptist Theological Seminary) in Tamale, the Sadler Baptist College, (now Kumasi Academy) and the Ghana Baptist Seminary, (now the School of Theology & Ministry of the Ghana Baptist University College) in Abuakwa, near Kumasi.


The Ghana Baptist Convention has been in partnership with other Baptist bodies or churches to carry out the vision God has given to her in Ghana and beyond. Some of our partners include:

  1. American Baptist Churches International Ministries (ABC/IM) 
  2. American Baptist Churches of Metro-Chicago, USA
  3. The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts (TABCOM)
  4. National Baptist Convention of America International, Inc. (NBCA)
  5. First Baptist Church, Midland, Michigan, USA
  6. First Baptist Church, Raleigh, USA
  7. Korean Peninsula Baptist Church, Virginia, USA
  8. Southern Hill Baptist Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
  9. Laurel First Baptist Church, Maryland, USA
  10. Every Day Ministry, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
  11. Kairos 10 Ministries, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
  12. UK Support Group
  13. Danish Mission Council Development Department/International City Baptist Church, Denmark/ Baptist Union of Denmark
  14. Baptist World Aid
  15. Christian Children Fund of Canada
  16. Ghana International Health Foundation, Canada


The Convention is also a member of the Baptist World Alliance, All Africa Baptist Fellowship, All Africa Baptist Fellowship Western Region, Christian Council of Ghana, Ghana Evangelism Committee among others. 

Historical Structure

Historically, the Convention operated with a number of Boards and Committees including:

  1. Finance and Administrative Board
  2. Church Development Board
  3. Evangelism and Missions Board
  4. Socio-Economic Board
  5. Theological Education Board
  6. International Missions Committee


Below are the former leaders who were assisted by the Executive Committee of the Convention:


The following are the former Presidents who were assisted by the Executive Committee of the Convention:


  1. Rev. J. A. Imosun 1963 – 1965
  2. Rev. E.O. Ojebiji 1965 – 1967
  3. Rev. Dr. J. A. Boadi 1967 – 1969
  4. Rev. J. K. Nkrumah 1969 – 1971
  5. Deacon N. E. Obeng 1971 – 1977
  6. Deacon L. Sarpong Mensa 1977 – 1985
  7. Rev. Steve A. Williams 1985 – 1988
  8. *Deacon Joseph Quansah 1986 – 1992
  9. *Rev. Kojo Osei-Wusuh 1988 – 1992
  10. Rev. Dr. Fred Deegbe 1992 – 2000
  11. Rev. Dr. Kojo Osei-Wusuh 2000 – 2006
  12. Rev. Stephen. K. Asante 2006 – 2013


*In 1986, due to some misunderstanding, the Ghana Baptist Convention was split into 2: The Ghana Baptist Convention and the Ghana Baptist Convention Cooperating with the Southern Baptist Convention. This explains why Deacon Joseph Quansah and Rev. Kojo Osei-Wusuh were Presidents at the same period (and same overlaps in the list of General Secretaries).


The following are the former General Secretaries who were assisted by the Executive Committee of the Convention:


  1. Rev. D. C. Cather 1963 – 1965
  2. Rev. Dr. W. E. Verner 1965 – 1971
  3. Rev. Dr. J. A. Boadi 1971 – 1973
  4. Rev. D. D. Agyare 1973 – 1976
  5. Rev. Dr. J. A. Boadi 1976 – 1986
  6. *Rev. David Hermenoo (GBC, SBC) 1987 – 1992
  7. *General Secretary Council (Rev. Kojo Amo, Rev. Stephen K. Asante, Rev. Kojo Osei-Wusuh ) 1986-1988
  8. *Rev. Kojo Amo 1988-1989
  9. *Rev. G. S. Mallet 1989
  10. *Rev. Ben Epton 1989 – 1991
  11. *Rev. Dr. Frank Adams 1991 – 2000
  12. Rev. Kojo Amo 2000 – 2010
  13. Rev. David N. Ocansey (Acting and Substantive) 2010 – 2013


The Executive Committee which was composed of the Chairpersons of all Boards and Committees. Other members of the Executive Committee included:


  1. The President of the Women’s Missionary Union
  2. The President of the Baptist Men’s Ministry
  3. The President of the Youth Ministry
  4. The President of the Ghana Baptist University College
  5. South-West Ghana Sector Head
  6. South-East Ghana Sector Head
  7. Mid-Ghana Sector Head
  8. Northern Ghana Sector Head
  9. The General Secretary
  10. The Assistant General Secretary
  11. The President (Ceremonial)
  12. The Vice-President
  13. Secretary
  14. Vice-Secretary
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